Writing Again!

I started this story back in high school, which I’m currently calling “Ash and Oak.” I got as far as introducing all of the characters, then realized that I didn’t know where to go from there. So I left it alone for a while, then came back to it and cut a few of the characters. Then I left it alone again, because I still didn’t have the middle of the story figured out.
I’m taking a novel writing class this semester, because it sounded like fun and I’d be motivated to write more. The first assignment was to write five pages and send them to our writing groups. So I took the first five pages of Ash and Oak. The second assignment was to revise those pages using what we wanted from the critiques our group gave to us.
I realized that because I was taking a chapter for each character introduction, I needed to cut out more characters. So I looked at the characters and figured out who was essential, and cut everyone who wasn’t. It was much harder than the first time I cut characters from this story. I’m very attached to a few that I had to cut. I’m thinking of maybe having them show up at some point as minor characters, because they’re too much fun to leave out entirely.
I need to add a bit more to the second chapter, but the first chapter sounds good for now.

At the moment, I’m working on one of my costumes for October, but I may get more writing done tonight. I’ll definitely be getting more done this weekend.

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