LTUE was so much fun that I didn’t have time to update once it started. I went to Bard for Life on Thursday night, right after my amazing panel on Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Legends and Folklore. We had an audience member from Singapore who shared some awesome insight as to how to tastefully and respectfully use these cultures’ folklore in our writing. On the panel, we had two people who lived in Japan and have studied the culture for years, and one person who lived in Korea and studied the culture. So, even though I am most familiar with Japanese legends, and beginning to dive into Korean folklore, I added some fun examples from China to round things out. It was fantastic.
And Bard for Life was so good, there are not enough words to explain why everyone needs to see it. I laughed so hard that I was in tears. And I’ve heard half of those stories at a previous Gallowglas event! It was that good. I knew it would be fun, and the man really is a pro storyteller. We bought three new books from him after the event. Can’t wait to read them!

After buying quite a few books, and laughing my butt off, it was time to go home. Day 2 was fast approaching, and I had to be at the con early to sell things.

We arrived before 9am, and got my table set up. It was supposed to be only half of a table, but no one showed up for the other half, so we got a whole table for three hours! And not everyone showed up for the 12-3pm slot, so we got to keep half of the table for an extra three hours! While I didn’t make as much as I usually do in a full weekend, I still sold more necklaces in three hours than I ever have in a full weekend, and I made enough to cover the table space and costs of materials, even after lowering the prices on some of the merchandise! It was awesome! I was so happy to see people taking home pieces that I made, that they love. And I did sell one of the Made With Love earrings, and I plan to sell them at Fan X. (I will be making a trans flag version at some point, as well. I had been thinking about it already, and had at least one person ask about it at the symposium.) I also plan on making dice stud earrings, now that I have my polyhedral resin molds.
And I was able to attend the Phil Foglio keynote speech, which was a blast. The man is hilarious.
Then we went out to dinner with a friend, and wound up walking back through the convention hall, where we stopped to check the book signing. I wasn’t planning on buying much, but I had to. I chatted with an old author friend who I’ve known since I was a kid, and bought one of her books. (She wrote a clever webcomic back in the day, and she would let me read ahead whenever we saw each other. She also introduced me to cute, wholesome manga.) And I wound up buying a book from the author next to her, too. And then, on my way out, I was distracted by a superhero fiction novel. The author saw my steampunk goggles and asked if I was into steampunk and ttrpgs. I, of course, said yes to both. And she pitched me a new game that is in the works called Haunted Gears (if I remember right). It’s a steampunk ghost hunting game. I got that far and was sold. I’m a Ghostbuster, after all. And this game sounds really fun. So I joined the playtester mailing list. And then I bought the books that had distracted me, like the bookwyrm I am.

Day three dawned, and I was running late. Which would have been fine, if I wasn’t on a 9am panel. I did make it less than 20 minutes into the panel, which was what I hoped for, but I was still late. And of course it was a panel being filmed. Oh well. The person who got me into cosplay was on the panel, as well as one of the people who got me into steampunk, both of whom I’ve known most of my life. It was a pretty great panel. :) And then was the first of my three board game panels. Ancient Board Games was so much fun! We had a tafl player, a teacher, me(the Senet fangirl), and the head of the gaming track for the con. It was so much fun. We got to talk about not only how old board games are, and what our favorites are, but why these games were first being made. It was pretty neat.
I somehow pulled a muscle during one of the panels, so when I had a break I went straight to Dianna. She’s a massage therapist, who I’ve known nearly my whole life. I call her my “other mom”. I babysat her kids, and her daughter thinks of me as an older sister. Dianna always has her massage chair set up in the corner of the dealer’s room at LTUE. When my shoulder wouldn’t move properly from an injury, her massage was the only thing that helped it get better. (Check out Holland Heart and Hands if you have muscle problems and you’re in the Salt Lake Valley. She is heckin’ worth it. She put five tendons back into place in my shoulders when the doctors couldn’t figure out why I was in pain.) So she fixes my back, and I’m able to fix my corset while we chat. (I had split the zipper while stretching. Don’t get a zippered corset, unless the zipper is really strong.) Then we got lunch, and wandered around some more, since my next panel wasn’t until 4pm. And I got chatting with a friend who also grew up going to LTUE because of family who were running it. As we wander to a place to sit down, Emily, my friend who I bought a book from at the signing, comes out of a panel with an idea.
So Emily had just come out of a panel about finding your niche as an author, and had asked “what if your niche doesn’t exist?” The panelists responded “then make your own niche.” So she runs by us that she wants more stories that solve problems without violence. The three of us are all on board with this, and decide we’re gonna call it Peace Lit. Because so much of today’s fiction uses magic and fighting and death to save the world, or at least anger. And we want to see more problems solved with love. So we’re going to start the movement towards peaceful solutions, a la Pixar movies like Inside Out and Encanto. (Encanto does have anger, but that only makes things worse. Only love fixes the problem in the end.) So we’re gonna write books and share any that we find, and we’re gonna build a place for these people to go to find more stories where violence doesn’t solve the problem.
The final two panels of the day were Top 10 Board Games for Writers and Top 10 RPGs for Writers. Dan Wells was on the first panel with us, and both were a blast. Together, we came up with a top game in each of ten categories, and several runner-up games. We shared with the audience why we chose the games we did, and how they can help with writing. Both went really well, and we got a good variety of games in both lists.

And that was the end of LTUE. I only attended two things I wasn’t on, both on Thursday, but I learned a lot, and had so much fun. I already can’t wait for next year, and I’m really excited for Fan X. Hopefully, Carlisle Legacy Books will have two new additions to the Development of the Violent Mind series by then.

And!! I haven’t said much about this, but a documentary is coming out on April 2nd that I am in! It’s called The First Mindhunter, and it’s about my grandpa!! It’ll be airing on Peacock and Oxygen, so keep an eye out! I’ll be posting when it airs, too! And that is when the first of the two CLB books is going to be released. I’m so excited!

And I started a new job this week, which may slow down writing and crafting stuff a bit, but it may not. I work super early in the morning, but I get off by, like, 2:30pm, so I still have time to get stuff done when I’m not too tired. Monday was a holiday, and today was a really bad snowstorm, so I’ve only worked one day so far, but I really love the new job. And randomly, a friend of mine works there, too! And neither of us had any idea! But now we’re coworkers, lol.
I’m working as a sewing machine operator for Beehive Clothing. So basically, I’m a seamstress now! Benefits are great, pay is the best I’ve had yet, and the environment is wonderful. No quota, since the focus is on quality. And! The best part of all! My great-grandpa owned a clothing manufacturing plant back in the day. Carlisle Manufacturing made parachutes and things during WWII, and they also made clothing items for the LDS church. My great-grandpa is credited for coming up with the two-piece garment design. Which is what I’ll be making! So I have a really neat family connection to my new job!

So, that’s the updates for the week. Now, I need to get back to work on Just Your Average Fairy Tale and The Hero Project. (I have been told that my query letter for The Hero Project is really good, so yay! And, even better, I have a publisher lined up to look at JYAFT! Woo!) Keep an eye out for updates on both of these projects this year!

Also, if you hadn’t already heard, I have my official author website up now! is live, and that is where I will post updates on events that I’m attending, and when I publish something new, so go check it out! It’s not finished yet, as I don’t have the merchandise page for jewelry ready, but the rest of it is up!

End of a Chapter

It has been a busy year. I lost my craft store job in December, and was promptly hired at a small bedding manufacturing warehouse. I just left that job, after nearly a year, due to personal issues with the way things were going and my mental health. I am still writing, but have spent most of this year editing a novel for someone else. It’s been quite the adventure. It’s a great story, but since it was sent to me as a PDF, I couldn’t actually edit the document directly, so I had to transcribe the whole thing. I’m almost done.

I’ve been selling my homemade jewelry at conventions, which is nice. And I’m still playing and running D&D. But most of my time has been focused on work. Now that I have quit, I am planning to finish all of these unfinished projects that I have sitting around. Once my husband finished reading my current book project, I’ll do a final edit and send it out into the world. I’m hoping to have a novel published in the next year. I’m still currently sitting at one short story published, but I am still working on stuff.

Probably one of the biggest things is that I’m getting ready to launch my author website. I’m thinking of selling my jewelry there, as well. We’ll see. But for now, I’m just getting things set up. It’ll be fun to see what the next chapter of my life has in store.

I’m Published! (And Covid, work woes, injury, and Stream Daddy)

Well, covid has made life awful. But at the start of 2020, right before it hit my area, I was at LTUE, one of my favorite conventions. I was selling my jewelry for the first time, along with my mom’s short stories and my grandpa’s novels. And as part of the Utah Horror Writers’ Association table were two calls for submission. And guess which table my mom’s anthologies were at? So I spent a lot of time with those guys. They are AWESOME. I love them. Anyway, one call was for an anthology about urban legends from around the world. Instantly, I thought of my haunted high school story. I wrote the whole thing out that day and submitted it, even though it was February and the deadline wasn’t until October.

Now, I started the story several times, but I could never get very far with the story. It either felt forced or scared the crap out of me, so I would have to do something else so I could get some sleep. I was kind of impressed at how easily it flowed as a short story instead of a novel. I could jump from action point to action point without feeling the pressure of adding length. I had my husband read over it, and then I submitted the story. It was only an hour or two.

Come fall of that year, I got a response. ACCEPTED. I cannot describe the elation I felt at my story making it into an anthology. I was finally going to be published! Little changed during the professional editing process. There wasn’t much that I wanted to add, and there was little that the publisher felt needed to change. (It was mostly phrasing stuff, which I get.) And then, in the beginning of 2021, the anthology was released. From the Yonder, volume II. And there was my story, a third of the way in. I still have my author copy right beside my bed. I still can’t believe this is real.

At Fan X this year, I sold my first copy of a book I’m published in. A friend of mine didn’t even ask what it was about, he just bought it and had me sign my story. He runs a small business, so he understands how much those little things mean. I was thrilled. Still am. (And I sold a bunch of my jewelry, too! I almost ran out of Bundy bracelets to go with my grandpa’s books, and we completely sold out of his books.)

And this was the best thing that could possibly have come out of the pandemic for me. The next bit of life update isn’t so positive, so feel free to skip it. I know I, for one, prefer positive stories during these times. We’re still struggling to afford a house, since they’ve shot up in price so much recently, but we’re still working on it. It has brought some tears, lots of frustration, and a couple of small arguments. But we’re okay.

And work has become… well, hell. I have worked in retail the entire time. And because my company donated fabric to make cloth masks, we were allowed to call ourselves “essential”. I work at a craft store, for crying out loud. Crafting is hardly essential. And when we cut our hours because covid had just hit and no one knew how it spread, people were literally trying to bust our doors open so that they could start quilting because they were bored at home. People spent up to two hours in line just to browse. I wish I were kidding. We could only let a few people in the store at a time, because of safety regulations. It was unbelievable. One woman straight up told us that she was there so that she could “get away from her kids”. … Lady, if you can’t stand to be around your family, don’t have one. (I have become very bitter and cynical about the general public in the last two years.) I have taken to calling people “Karen” when they act entitled. Not to their faces, but boy will I call them that to other people when I need to vent. Karens suddenly started coming out of the woodworks when the pandemic hit us. Everyone complained about us being open at all, not being open enough, wearing masks, not wearing masks, having homemade sneezeguards up, how long they had to wait in line, “what do you mean my infant counts as a person?”, how we didn’t have enough staff, how they had to social distance, how the whole thing was a fraud, “I can’t breathe”, it never seemed to end. I wore a mask before it was required because I had a cold and wanted to be considerate of our customers. By the time my cold was gone, the mask mandate was in full effect. But I was loving my job and my coworkers, and it was okay.

Then my entire freight crew quit within two weeks. I went from me and three others unloading the truck and stocking it to just me. And my store manager didn’t even notice that I was doing it alone. For three months. I had help to unload, sure, but then I stocked the entire store alone. And with 300-600 boxes the size of me or larger coming in each week? Yeah. (Yes, I have tested the size of the boxes we get. I can comfortably fit inside of them.) So I worked harder than ever, because my manager’s manager, the DM, was constantly breathing down her neck and threatening her job about getting everything done in two 8hr shifts. (That’s including the two to four hours of unloading. Some weeks it took six hours. One week, it was seven and a half.) So my manager was constantly ragging me about working harder, working faster. She was so worn down by the verbal abuse from her superior that she told me, to my face, that “your best isn’t good enough.” From that moment on, I started looking for other work. It got a little better when the assistant manager informed the manager that I had been working alone for three months. But I was so burned out on the constant threatening of my job, which I loved doing. (The DM regularly threatened to fire the manager, assistant manager, and me. Over freight not being done within two days. When only I was putting it away. “We don’t have enough people.” “Oh? Then just hire more people.” Easier said than done when literally no one is applying. More on that later.) Nothing panned out. And then, in March of this year, I was completely worn out. But I had help again. Two new girls had started working and were assigned to stock freight with me. We were starting to catch up. I was starting to have hope that things would be okay, that the douche above my manager would get fired for his abuse any day now, because a former coworker had (supposedly) reported him for forcing us to stay during a power outage, which goes against state law. (That was actually why two of the three freight crew quit on me all at once. The other was moving out of state, so she kind of had to leave.)

Well, it didn’t get better, because March was apparently going to be the beginning of the end. Lifting a lot of weight for hours at a time is bad for your body. I’d had times where I had to quit using my left arm or my right while unloading the truck for a few minutes, because it hurt so much in my shoulder. Resting a few minutes would ease the pain, and I could go back to work. Well, this time was different. Truck was already unloaded, and we were nearing the end of our shift, stocking a cart of candles and warmers. I have used my left arm to hold things while my right is used to move things for as long as I can remember, in all situations. I’m severely right-handed, so I do motor stuff with my right hand. I’m more dexterous, for the most part, with my right. My left arm was holding a warmer, or something, and it suddenly gave out. Whatever was in my arm spilled to the floor. The two girls working with me asked if I was okay. My shoulder was in dreadful pain, and I just shrugged it off as “oh, it’ll be fine in a few minutes.” I left it hanging while we put away a few more things, then we all went home, our shift over. I could not lift my arm without causing excruciating pain in my shoulder for THREE HOURS. I filled out an incident report the next morning and set about finding out what was wrong. My shoulder hurt constantly. The joint felt like it was on fire. I spoke with a worker’s comp representative, and went to the doctor. Only to discover that I was supposed to have been sent paperwork to give to the doctor. Which my adjuster had failed to tell me about. The paperwork showed up several days later, and I went back to the doctor. I called the adjuster to complain about not being informed, and she was just as surprised as I had been to learn that I could not be seen by a doctor for a work injury without the proper paperwork, unless it was a medical emergency. Which my injury was not. I got recommended to a shoulder specialist. He and his assistants checked me over, and informed me of two things: first, that I had very loose joints. Second, that it was most likely a tear to a specific muscle. They said that they would need an MRI to be sure if it was a tear, but externally, it had all the signs of this certain muscle being torn. (Not all the way through, obviously, or I wouldn’t be able to lift my arm at all. Just a small tear.) They asked what insurance I was under. When I told them it was a work injury, they went “oh. They won’t go for an MRI until we try physical therapy, first.” These people had clearly dealt with this a lot. Interestingly enough, this was the same shoulder specialist who had seen my husband for his shoulder issues over a year prior. (A year of therapy, tests, and shots, and they never did figure out why my husband’s shoulder hurt. The only thing that stopped the pain was to stop lifting heavy boxes. He has worked at FedEx for ten years now, and up until about the time of my injury, was loading or unloading freight trailers. We are pretty sure that his is an issue with some other area that is nerve-related. Possibly his neck. If he chooses to seek further help, it will still be covered by his work. The only reason they stopped was because the shoulder specialist ran out of things to try.) I was also scheduled to get my shoulder x-rayed.

So, off to physical therapy I go. It’s right by my house, my husband had been there for a while for his shoulder, they are wonderful people. They check out my range and strength, and we start on some exercises. Over several weeks, I improve quite a lot. I regain much of my strength, but the doctor puts me on a weight restriction of 10lbs. That’s not a lot. So I am now unable to unload the boxes from the truck, which can weigh well over 50lbs. (We’re not supposed to get anything over 50lbs, but they regularly send stuff that weighs 60lbs or more.) I am unable to pull boxes off of the belt. I struggle to stock certain things because they are too heavy. I can’t put paper away. I can’t pick up half of my totes of sorted stock. I can’t climb up to get batting from our storage wall or above the cabinets. I can’t even lift some of our stuffing, because we carry up to 20lb boxes. I don’t mind the excuse to make other people do some of the work, but I did feel a little useless sometimes.

Well, almost four months of physical therapy later, I FINALLY get an MRI approved. The x-ray had showed nothing, just a slightly kinked neck, which was probably from sleeping funny or not sitting up straight when they took the picture. Four months from the date of the injury, it happens. I’m getting an MRI. My husband tells me it’s terrifyingly claustrophobic, but I’m perfectly fine. I’m half his size, and I like small spaces. They put me in the tube, and I’m so comfortable that I nearly fall asleep. The shots were honestly the worst part. I’m trypanophobic, so I don’t do hypodermic needles. I have had panic attacks from getting shots and blood draws before. They have me a rag to squeeze when they gave me the saline shot, because my husband couldn’t come back with me. I remember it ached. The second shot was the contrast, and I was pretty numb. Still unpleasant, though. Trypanophobia does not care if you can feel the whole needle, it will still make your fight-or-flight kick in. When we get the results, we go over it with the shoulder doc. I’m expecting a small tear. There is nothing. Not even thickened tissue. I thought that this was finally going to be answered, so we could fix it. Or at least know what was wrong. Not more “nothing.” Panic sets in. I can barley keep my voice steady as I start crying, trying to clarify what we know and what we don’t. I am only still at work at this point because I’m not sure if worker’s comp will still cover if I switch jobs. A shift manager position opened, so I took that, but I am still asked to lift things that I can’t lift, like shelves. We try a cortizone shot: it does nothing. My restriction is expanded: no lifting more than 10lbs, and no lifting anything above shoulder height. I have two options at this point. They can do exploratory surgery, with a 50% chance of finding anything at all, or I can go on permanent physical limitations. I, of course, opted for the limitations. Surgery just to probably find nothing? No thank you.

I was assessed for those permanent limitations last week. I can’t lift more than 20lbs without re-injuring myself. I can lift up to 35lbs with my good arm, and only 20lbs with the injured one. And that’s with difficulty. I can’t work at the cut table for more than a third of my shift without causing the injury to flare up, because the repetitive motion of measuring fabric pulls at the injury site. Keep in mine that I have been working full-time this entire time. I am likely permanently injured from a very small incident. I have a theory as to what it is. When I asked the doctor if scars would show up on an MRI, he said that they would only show up if the tissue was enlarged or thickened. If it was torn and healed cleanly, it would not necessarily thicken the tissue. Consider a phenomenon known as microtears. My younger brother had to have surgery on his wrist because of a microtear. When you put hand sanitizer on your hands and it burns but you can’t see any wounds? That’s a microcut. It happens when you’re dry, dehydrated, handling something rough, any number of reasons. Well, they hurt just as bad as the cuts you can see, even though they’re miniscule in size. If a microtear operates the same way, it makes a lot of sense. If it can be severe enough to require wrist surgery, who’s to say that it can’t cause the pain that I deal with now? Also, not all scars thicken. I have one on the bottom of my foot from 2006, when I stepped on a screw. Serious puncture wound, bit right into the muscle. It healed beautifully. I can’t even tell you what foot it happened on, most of the time. When you look at the injury site, there’s nothing to see. But if I step wrong, the muscles there yank on a sliver of scar tissue and it hurts like I’ve stepped on a screw all over again. I have to limp for a minute after this happens, because the muscles cramp up when it pulls the scar.
The point is that I think that I got a microtear or two in my shoulder. Supporting evidence; I know a professional massage therapist who took a look at the injury site shortly after I saw the specialist, and she said that it felt like two small tears. She is so good with the muscles of the human body that she can tell when a woman is pregnant. She once knew I was on my period before I did. (The blood had not left my body at the time, but a few hours later, I was hunting down a pad.) When it comes to my muscles, I trust this woman completely. (She is very much in support of medicine, which is another reason I trust her. She doesn’t do the “mind over medicine” junk that some people are into these days.)

Well, it’s late November, and my shoulder still flares up regularly. I’ve been assessed, and will soon have a permanent limitation on what I can do with my shoulder. And I have been working constantly this entire time. No wonder I still have problems. Oh! And it gets better. Remember how I mentioned earlier about the DM telling us to hire more people? Well, more people quit, instead. We got down to seven employees, at one point. We are supposed to have 30. We had to call other stores to send employees just so that we could keep our doors open. No one is applying. We finally hire someone just in time to lose someone else, because we are a skeleton crew, and we are severely burnt out. Manager is told by her doctor to take a medical leave for a couple of months, because her mental health was hanging by a thread. Other stores are refusing to help. DM is constantly on our butts. I’m injured. We get a few more people hired, but we’re still only up to 15. And that’s counting three people who can only show up two days a month, our absentee manager, and two special needs helpers who are limited in what work they are able to do. (We love them both so much. What they are able to do actually helps us out a lot. We just need more people who can use scissors.) Well, DM suddenly starts being nice, now that the manager is out sick. We’re not sure if he realized that it was entirely his fault and felt guilty, or if it’s because the assistant manager won’t let him walk all over her. Or both. It could honestly be both. Anyway, one day, the assistant manager is told to call a particular store for help. She says “okay. Sit here while I do, and say nothing. Pretend you’re not here.” So he sits there while she calls and puts the other store on speaker. The manager on the other end snaps at her. “We’ve got a note posted in our breakroom that if anyone wants more hours they can go help you!” Like, this woman flips out about it. And this is the store that the DM is CONSTANTLY telling us to ask for help when we need a shift covered. DM is in shock at this response. He looks at the ASM and asks “Is this always how they respond?” “Yeah, pretty much.” He has stopped bugging us to ask them for help. (Side note, I have had customers tell me that they refuse to shop at that location because the employees are so rude. I was shocked that they treat customers like they treat fellow stores. People drive an hour out of their way to a smaller store, just because the employees are nice here. How sad is that?)

So the DM calmed down for a bit. I’ve been a manager (shift manager) for a few months, and I have still only received training on two things: how to close the store, and how to withdraw from the registers when they get too full. (I didn’t know that was necessary, until one register froze and refused to work until it was emptied.) I can’t open the store, I don’t actually know what we can do for customers a lot of the time. I still ask other managers what we’re allowed to do to help a customer. I have been coasting by on what I knew about the job from my previous position. I couldn’t even log in to the email for months. If anything needs to be replaced or fixed? I don’t know what to do. Really, my training has been pathetic. And I’m still working constantly. We have to stay after closing until everything is cleaned up. So I stay over ten hours for two nights in a row. I barely sleep. I feel myself getting sick from the exhaustion. Then one Sunday, just a few weeks ago. I wake up feeling miserable. I don’t go to church. I feel sluggish, and I have malaise. I wear a mask to work, even though it hasn’t been required for months. I stay eight or nine hours, my head thick with illness. My nose is clogged, and this is not a pleasant cold. I don’t sleep well. Then I go to work on Monday, still foggy, still achy, still congested. I literally wobbled on my feet while walking or standing. It is misery. I can’t wait to find another job so I can put in my two weeks, since now I’m working myself to exhaustion. Monday night, hubby drives me out to my doctor’s office, because I have run out of one of my pills, and was only just informed that I was out of refills. We’re driving by the refineries, and my husband comments about the stink. I smell nothing. He asks if I farted. No, did you? “No.” Well, I don’t smell anything. Why do you ask? “Look at where we are.” I was still foggy, so I was half asleep in the car, but I recognized the cluster of refineries.
I don’t smell anything. I laugh and joke that it’s covid, so I can finally get a few days off of work. This was not the first time I had honestly wanted my cold to be covid just to get some rest. That’s how bad the overworking got. Anyway, we see the doctor, and its someone new because my GP isn’t available until Wednesday, and I need pills immediately. I go through the usual depression/anxiety paperwork, and think “oof, work has got me so stressed that my pills aren’t enough to keep me stable anymore.” I tell the nurse all of this, and she gives me a list of websites and phone numbers for help with depression. I joked that she gave me a list of suicide hotline numbers, but it actually was kind of scary. I’ve never been suicidal, and I’m still not. So to be that concerned for my health just reinforced how much I need to get out of this job.

Tuesday morning, hubby wakes me up at the buttcrack of dawn so we can go do a rapid covid test. We go, I get the nasal swab. (Which is so much better now, by the way. When they first broke out the tests, they had to shove the swab into your nasal cavity, which is very painful when you have small nasal passages.) I got vaccinated as soon as I was able to, so I’m thinking this one will come out normal, like all the other times. Less than an hour later, I have the results; *SARS-COV DETECTED*. I had covid. I actually had covid. I got my wish. I immediately told my husband and called the morning manager to tell her the news. In the previous two days, I had been around nearly every coworker I have. I had even had my mask off around one, because she came into the office while I was getting a drink. Other shift manager calls me to get details about who I was around a lot, and other info that she has to pass on to corporate. Once she has everything she needs, I go back to bed. I slept until three or four in the afternoon, and it was like I had miraculously healed. I still had the sniffles, but nothing else. No malaise, no nausea, no nothing. Just a runny nose. And I still can’t smell, but I kept forgetting that until someone would fart or use the bathroom. I could taste food just fine. Everything smelled like clean air to me. Several days of laying in bed, and I get bored. I cleaned, I read, I slept, I played video games, I watched movies. After five days of not being able to smell, my nose begins returning to normal. After being quarantined for eight days, I feel perfectly healthy. Ten days, and I finish my quarantine. I test negative. I go see a movie with hubby to celebrate my recovery, and then I return to work a day or two later. I was out of work for less than two weeks, but I really really needed that break.

Well, I’m already back to being desperate to find a different job. I have applied to more jobs in the last few months than I ever have in my entire life. Someone at work reported my to the DM for eating lunch with my husband. … Yeah, you read that right. And it’s perfectly within the rules to do so. If I am the only manager, I am not allowed to clock out or leave the premises for my lunch break. So he brings me food, since we only have one car, and I can’t drive anyway. We sit in the unused “classroom” section of the building, since someone complained about him being in the breakroom with me, even though it is technically allowed. Well, this person also complained that they can never find me on the floor. While I am recovering the store or pulling online orders. And we all wear RADIO HEADSETS FOR COMMUNICATION. Clearly, someone does not know how to ask me where I am. (One coworker actually thinks it’s the mean lady that sells the sewing machines, since she doesn’t have a radio and apparently hates me. She is rude to me when she does bother to talk to me, and has actually been so rude to my coworkers that several of them quit because of her. I have yet to figure out who to complain to about her to make something happen.) The assistant manager was the one who had to talk to me about these complaints, and she was as shocked as I was, because not a soul had said anything to her. No one complained to her about any of this. She had seen nothing happening that was worth complaining about.
That was the straw that broke me. I had spent so much time and energy trying to help my coworkers, especially when they were only being partially trained, and I was literally working myself to injury and exhaustion because I cared about my coworkers. They were the only reason I was still working here. And they were reporting me for stuff that was either perfectly acceptable or stuff that I wasn’t doing. (I got reported for saying “it’s someone else’s problem” about something I wasn’t trained on. And am still not trained on. I also got reported for saying things that I never actually said, like “I don’t have to be nice to customers.” Which I can’t even think of why I would say anything similar to that. I did once say that I had nothing nice to say to corporate, and this person told corporate that I said that about a customer. So lots of mixed truth and fiction.)
Well, I have lost all loyalty, and am applying for jobs each night until I hear back from someone. For how many places are desperate to fill positions, they are pretty terrible about checking their inboxes. There’s one that I applied to about two months ago that still has not looked at my application. (Indeed tells you when the hiring body checks the application when you apply through their website.) Another place, I applied two ways, just to make sure that it went through. Like, I’m applying everywhere. Why is no one getting back to me? You can’t complain about being understaffed if you don’t even check the applications you’ve received. My current job? The other managers check it daily. (The ones that have access to it. I am not one of those.)

In short, I am looking for a less stressful job. When you are stressed to the point that you break down in tears, unable to function, at least twice a week by a job that pays $12/hour (after three years of raises) and expects you to work better than three people in the same capacity, it’s not worth staying. If you are on medications that are supposed to prevent such breakdowns? Even worse. I was hoping to be out before Thanksgiving, and here I am still. If I can’t find anything by the end of the year, I may just put in my two weeks anyway. My physical health is wrecked. My mental health is in tatters. No job is worth that. Nearly four years, and I am still treated like garbage. My entire staff is treated like we’re not trying, even though we are only fourteen and are supposed to have 30-40 team members this time of year. We should have been shut down for lack of staff months ago. Only one person has been at the store longer than me, and she’s the assistant store manager. And she has developed health problems that should put her on disability, so we’ll see how long before she quits, too. I’m not going to stick around for her, much as I love her. I’m already broken.
It may sound like I’m whining, or like I’m being dramatic, but sometimes you just need to vent. And I’m not exaggerating. We are a skeleton crew, and corporate keeps acting like firing us is a valid threat. They don’t care about people, just money. They didn’t even tell anyone when I exposed them to covid. Several of my coworkers found out after I got back to work. They were pretty pissed about not being told that they were exposed. (I get that it’s not a requirement to inform the employees who it is that is sick, but someone needs to tell them “hey, you may have been exposed to covid, just so you’re aware.” I was around them for two days. It’s a miracle that I didn’t get anyone else sick. Not even my husband caught it from me, thankfully. But they still deserved to be warned, in case they wanted to get tested or take extra precautions.) I’ve always tried to see the best in people, so sometimes I’m seen as naïve when I get disappointed in others. But I got lucky; I’ve had really good managers and bosses in the past. People who were honestly good people and cared about their employees. This is my first time experiencing such blatant disregard for the welfare of the people keeping their store open. (It doesn’t help that corporate won’t let us offer competitive pay. We pay more than any other location, and still can’t get people to apply because we’re in a wealthy area with tons of retirees. No one can afford to work for so little when it costs so much more to life in the area.)

So it’s been a crazy couple of years, as you can tell. On a positive note, I am currently editing a novel for my mom’s publishing company, Carlisle Legacy Books. Have I talked about CLB before? I know I mentioned inheriting my grandfather’s literary estate. Well, Mom bought back the rights to his books and publishes them herself now. The previous publisher had somehow managed to add typos that were not in the original manuscript. And we have all of Grandpa’s notes and papers, so we’re planning to eventually publish his unfinished projects as well. Anyway, this guy that I’m editing for, he was a friend of my Grandpa, and also wrote a book about his experience with true crime. He was a bank robber, once upon a time, and wrote about how he broke out of his cycle of crime. He’s a sweetheart, and completely reformed. Well, he wrote a fiction story about a serial killer, and how he almost gets away with it. We are publishing his autobiographical story, so he wants to publish his fiction with us. I’m even getting paid for it! It’s slow going, but it’s a fascinating story, and I can’t wait for it to be polished! It has a lot of potential, and I want to get to the meat of the story. The big issue is that it was written on a typewriter and scanned into the computer. I can’t edit text when the computer thinks it’s an image. So I have to type it all out, which is why it takes so long. There are some big tangents that need cutting and/or polishing, but like I said before, the story is fascinating. I really want it to reach the public.

Hm, other notes… I don’t think I ever mentioned the nerdy discord I joined. It’s for a musician whose works I adore, and a lot of the other fans there are really young. And they are a variety of gay, so I’ve been learning a lot about how to be sensitive to their different views of gender identity. Being straight and actively religious means I don’t naturally understand why a person would choose those paths. But the kids in this group are really patient, and they are willing to explain things to me, and have real discussions instead of “agree with me or you’re wrong!”. It’s really nice. So I’ve learned how not to be insensitive by accident. It’s made it easier to use preferred pronouns for those who are picky about their identity. (I’m easy- I look like a girl, and I identify as the sex I was born.) I have noticed that some of us who are straight tend to struggle with “they/them”. I definitely struggled with it at first. Then again, the first person I knew who wanted to use “they/them” changed her mind every week, and then would yell at you when you called her the old pronouns before she had bothered to tell you that she had changed her mind yet again. (She was legitimately crazy. And started changing her identity only after dating a friend of mine for a year. They were engaged for several months when she started insisting that she was an enby. Then she changed her name. Then changed it back. Then decided she was male. Then genderless. I honestly stopped keeping track. She was toxic, and would scream at you for daring to believe differently than her. She dumped my friend because he couldn’t keep up with her bipolar gender identity, and she would scream at him for calling her “he” when she decided that morning to be “they”. Or the time she went back to being “she” but super bisexual. Honestly, she would scream at him for not doing a chore she hadn’t asked him to do yet. So yeah, it it really hard to get used to more than two gender pronouns when I finally met a real enby.)

Anyway, that was a while big tangent. Point is, awesome group, awesome music, and I love them. And I love that they respect my values and different views, just like I respect theirs. It makes it easy to skip drama and just geek over what we all mutually enjoy. Like kitties, D&D, and (of course) Paul Shapera. I’ve thought of doing album reviews for his stuff, since it’s become such a huge part of my life.

Oh! I almost forgot! I started streaming on Youtube! I was gifted with a copy of Dream Daddy as a joke, so I decided to share. I did not expect such heartfelt story from a game that was made by Game Grumps. When I am able to get enough time to play, I stream it. It’s a blast. I call it “Stream Daddy” because I’m clever like that. Hubby and I have talked about doing other videos, too, and we’ve talked to a friend about doing a series called “an idiot learns”, where he tries out different hobbies and crafts that his family and friends are always pushing him to try out. He came up with the title, and I think it would be great. We came up with the story for a comic series together once, but I’m super slow at drawing, so it didn’t get very far. Anyway, he’s clever, and entertaining. And it could be a really fun thing to do, if covid ever ends. (That and my hellish schedule are what has prevented us from doing it so far.)

I think that’s it for big life updates. I’m still a Ghostbuster, and we did some stuff for the new movie, but I was only able to make one of those events due to work. We did Fan X with them again, and it was awesome. And now, I have a novel to write, since it’s NaNoWriMo. Until next time!

My Haunted High School

A bit of personal information: I went to Cyprus High School in Magna, UT. I do not believe in ghosts, but I don’t argue with anyone who says that the school is haunted. In a way, it is. And I’ve always wanted to tell that story.
A lot of websites that talk about haunted locations or schools in Utah always claim that Cyprus has the ghost of a man in 1930’s attire. They are wrong. The school’s ghost is a student named Edgar, who fell from the catwalk. The version I heard was that he had some power cords over both shoulders and around his neck, since he was hanging lights, and he fell and accidentally hanged himself. Edgar is a friendly, helpful ghost. He also does not exist.
I was on stage crew during my junior and senior years of high school. I heard several ghost stories about the school from our janitor at the time, Rob Goble. In an interview with the Deseret News, he pointed out that he always told students that there was no ghost. And I believe him. But there is one story he told that I also believe. It’s not about the basketball that bounced in the middle of the gym by itself. It’s not about the crying on the third floor. It’s one that’s not really a “story” so much as it is an occurrence. And I believe it because I experienced it for myself long before I heard the story.
There is a hallway to one side of the stage in the Cyprus High auditorium. (Of course, the place where most of the ghost stories take place is the auditorium.) The hallway contains the dressing rooms, the costume storage room, a door outside, and a drinking fountain. It turns sharply to become a few steps down to the hallway where the choir room and the audience doors are located. The slanting, carpeted hallway outside the choir room is technically a different hallway, and many students congregate there during lunch. My friends and I did so, as well. But that hall is crowded, so we climbed those three or four steps to the tiled floor beside the drinking fountain at the end of the dressing room hallway. We called it “The Corner.” And we discovered it during my junior year. It was our nerdy space, where we would talk about anime and trade manga and doodle and gossip. We were the majority of the anime club. One day, I went to that drinking fountain by myself. It was during my fourth period stage crew class, so it was broad daylight, and there were other students around. But I was alone in that little bit of hall. For no reason at all, I was terrified. Something inside of me shouted to get out of there, fast. I looked behind me. Nothing but a well-lit hallway. I still felt terrified of nothing. So I ran back to where my classmates were. Whenever I found myself alone in that hall, I was scared. I couldn’t explain it. The carpeted hall just a few feet away was one that I traveled alone frequently, and I never felt uneasy or afraid there. Why was this hall different? Nowhere else in the school spooked me like this hallway.
Then, during a late-night of working on the set, my fellow crew members got the janitor to tell us a few ghost stories while we ate pizza. I remember him telling us that Edgar wasn’t real. I remember a story that involved police dogs coming to the school because of a noise that sounded like someone being murdered. That was the scariest of the stories, really. But then he mentioned the hallway. He said that “something” was there. And it scared him. I think he said “something evil” specifically. And that he felt it when it was dark and he was alone. I had felt a dark presence in that hallway in broad daylight, any time I was alone there. That story, though it was brief and made no sense, I believed. To this day, I believe that there was something wrong with that hall.
There is a bit more to this story that I believe. The janitor told us that a couple of students once broke into the school auditorium with a ouija board. He said “they opened a door.” That stuck with me. Because I believe that messing with that does not contact the spirits of the dead, but invites
I continued to eat lunch in The Corner with my friends until I graduated. I continued to be on the stage crew. I even took a choir class my senior year. But I never went to that drinking fountain alone again.

At the end of this last school year, I brought my husband to Cyprus, for the final concert of my choir teacher. This man was also one of my stage crew teachers, and we all loved him. He was finally retiring, and I was not about to miss this concert. I showed my husband that hallway. I felt nothing there. But then, I wasn’t there alone.
The school is going to be rebuilt elsewhere, because it is sinking again. (Ironically awesome that the school mascot is a Pirate.) And I have always wanted to write a story about the “ghosts” of my high school. My friends and classmates were imaginative, and I was easily spooked as a teenager, so I remember the stories I heard pretty well. I just started putting the beginning of the story to paper.


Since my last post, the board game store I worked at had to shut down, and I have found a new job. I now work at a craft store. :) It’s full-time, too, so I work a lot more than I did before. I’m the inventory coordinator, so I’m in charge of managing the freight that comes to our store. It’s a lot of fun, and I love it. :)
And because I work at a craft store, it’s much easier to get materials for crafting. I make jewelry now. In the last three or four months, I’ve made a dozen necklaces, thirty to fifty pairs of earrings, and two bracelets. I’ve also made a small messenger bag and a couple of pillowcases. And I’ve gotten back into crochet. And I’ve discovered that I am interested in stamping and mixed media, so I’ve started dabbling in that, too. Oh! I almost forgot about the little wooden chest that I stained! I use it to hold the jewelry I make. :)
I do plan to sell the jewelry in the future. Most of what I have so far is dice earrings and buried treasure necklaces, but I’ve also started working on Serial Killer jewelry. The Bundy bracelets are the only things finished so far, but I’ve made a bunch of Pogo the Clown beads to use in Gacy jewelry.


On the topic of the morbid, life hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows. My grandpa passed away from a sudden heart attack a little over a month ago. He was a clinical psychologist, and has worked with a number of serial killers while employed at the state penitentiary. The most infamous person he analyzed was Ted Bundy, and Grandpa did a number of presentations about it. He’s written four books, and was working on his fifth. I had just started thinking about the jewelry idea when I got the news.
I gained my fascination with abnormal psychology from my grandpa, as well my love of story-telling and family history. My mother got all of that from him, too. And since my mom can’t see, I’m inheriting all of the family history, which needs to be sorted and digitized. The psychological papers and writing notes are going to my mom. And me, my mom, and Grandpa’s agent are going to finish his fifth book, and write another that is a compilation of all his notes and papers. I haven’t finished a project, let alone published one, so I feel really honored to be included in this. Grandpa’s agent says that he would want me to help, because I’m so interested in his work, and because I love writing so much. And my mom has published several short stories, so it makes sense to have her involved. I’m excited and nervous about the project. I want to honor my grandpa’s life and memory by making this project successful. The family is still working on getting the legal stuff dealt with after my grandpa’s passing(like selling his house, dealing with life insurance, cancelling cards, most of the worldly stuff), so it’ll probably be a bit before we start in on it. That gives me time to get used to the idea.

What else has been going on? Goodness, I’m still working on the same books. Just Your Average Fairy Tale is being difficult, as usual, and I haven’t even started on tweaking the first of the Hero Project books. There’s still research to do and endings to rewrite(or write, in the case of Hero Project 2). I don’t know what I’m going to do with NaNo this year, but I’m definitely doing it. It’s easier than trying to edit for Camp NaNo.
And LTUE sent out their call for panelists this week, so we’ll see what they want my nerdy ramblings on this year. :)

Oh, and I discovered that I may have a somewhat serious allergy. Dunno what I’m allergic to, but the doctor said my hives are probably dyshidrotic eczema, which is caused by either allergies or stress. … Which is exactly why I went to ask about getting an allergy test. I’m still allergic to some unknown thing, probably a topical thing, and no way to figure it out. So ointment and off-brand zyrtec it is, until this either goes away or I get an allergy test. Blegh.

Aside from all that, life goes on as normal. Been cutting back on D&D, which is a nice change. Been writing throw-away stories with some of my friends.
Oh, that’s right! One of my friends from high school brought me to the cat cafe in Salt Lake! I didn’t know that this was a thing, but it’s a thing, and it’s awesome. This sweet old girl who’d just had kittens came right up to us and asked for belly rubs. Cats don’t usually do that with strangers. She was such a sweetheart!
Welp, I have tomorrow off, so I’m gonna get working on some projects. Maybe I can finish something tonight?

The REAL Drunk Disney

So, lots of people have been making drinking games out of watching Disney movies. It’s not my cup of tea, per se, but it is an interesting phenomenon. This, combined with a butt-load youtubers making lists of “Disney scenes that will ruin your childhood/aren’t for kids/are generally horrible,” got me curious. How prevalent is alcohol consumption in Disney movies? And I don’t mean the stuff they put out under their sub-companies. I mean the classic animated collection. And it’s incredible who I caught drinking when I went through it. It’s ridiculous. So, I wanted to share what I found! Beginning with some of the most obvious, let’s jump in! (You can tell I’ve been watching a lot of list videos, right?)


Probably the single best known instance of drinking in a Disney movie, Pinocchio winds up indulging in all sorts of vices while at Pleasure Island with his new “friends.” When he inhales three-fourths of a cigar, his face turns green and he nearly loses his candy lunch. And when his red-haired companion sprouts donkey ears and a tail, the little puppet immediately assumes that the alcohol is to blame.

This scene apparently scared a lot of millenials when they were children. I saw it as a very effective PSA. Even if my parents hadn’t taught me that underaged drinking and smoking are bad, this movie hammered it into my subconscious. (Though, I was never scared by this scene. What scared the tar out of me was when Gepetto and Pinocchio get eaten by Monstro the whale.)
Anyway, that’s not the only time you see characters drinking. Everyone knows that the tricky fox and cat who convince Pinocchio to skip school aren’t the most saintly of characters, but it’s still unsettling to see the dumb cat sucking down a cigar with a frothy drink in front of him.


Pink Elephants on Parade. Need I say more? The song that scared half of all children and entertained the rest was brought on by a tired and thirsty baby elephant getting his trunk dropped in a barrel of alcohol. (Actually, I’m pretty sure that’s a wash bucket.) If my memory serves, this was a complete accident. I mean, who leaves a bucket of drink next to a pen of circus animals? When I was a kid, this was just a funny song. It’s one of the few things I remember from watching Dumbo as a child, actually. And you know what? I didn’t know that he was drunk. At all. I thought it was just a dream, like in Winnie the Pooh when Pooh bear dreams about Heffelumps and Woozels stealing his honey. But those bubbles tell all.


Now, here’s one that we don’t think about. And honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever seen this one on a list for this sort of thing. But Peter Pan is a movie with pirates, and we all know what pirates love best besides treasure, right? That’s right, alcohol! What’s that? What do you mean none of the pirates drink in this movie? They’re PIRATES! Oh, wait, just kidding. There is ONE moment of drinking in this whole thing, and it’s not that nasty caster oil that the children have to take before bed.

Good ol’ Smee. He’s even trying to hide his rum from the Captain! I guess Hook’s crew wasn’t all bad if soberness was required while on duty. But Smee just couldn’t help himself, it seems.


That’s right, Sleeping Beauty. This is actually one of my husband’s favorite scenes. We know from the beginning of the movie that Aurora and Philip are betrothed. So of course, the two fathers are going to share a drink to celebrate! But thanks to the jovial nature of Philip’s father, more gets spilled than drunk by the two kings.

But the Minstrel who’s serving the drinks? Oh, boy, does HE get plastered! He comes out of his drunk stupor just long enough to fall under Maleficent’s sleep spell with the rest of the kingdom. It’s a brief bit of comedy in the movie, and it was snuck in rather well, considering that I didn’t notice this as a kid. Maybe I was just a really oblivious child.



Now, this one is interesting, because I first thought of the drugged milk given to Duchess and the kittens. But that’s not alcohol. That falls under the category of poisonings, which is very different from drinking alcohol. However, there IS still drinking seen in this movie. Or rather, a drunk.

Meet Uncle Waldo. Thomas O’Malley, Duchess, and the kittens run into Uncle Waldo with his lovely nieces as the girls are trying to take the lush home for some rest. They’re Brits on vacation! And what does Uncle Waldo do? He drinks himself stupid, of course! The kittens have no idea what’s going on with this weirdo, and probably think that that’s just how geese are, but mama cat Duchess knows what’s up. And so, of course, does O’Malley. In fact, the tomcat shows disgust when he smells Uncle Waldo’s breath. This scene feels a bit like a throwaway, since it’s not terribly relevant to the overall plot of the movie, but it was still rather amusing, and it gave the kittens a glimpse of life outside their little chateau. Hopefully, it also taught them to stay away from alcohol.


I bet you didn’t think of this one! To be perfectly honest, I didn’t think of this one, either. But Fantasia just so happens to be one of my husband’s favorite Disney movies, so when I told him about this new list idea, he made sure that I didn’t neglect this beauty.

If you’ve seen Fantasia, you know that it’s a series of cartoons of varying length set to classical music. Some of those segments include Greek Mythology. And I don’t mean Hercules. I mean Dionysus, the Greek God of Wine. Yep, they had a god for getting drunk. Technically speaking, Dionysus was a god of nature, fruitfulness and vegetation. But he was also specifically the god of wine and ritual madness. That’s right, I just said “ritual madness.” As in “getting so drunk you become a crazy person.” And Disney delivered.

There’s this entire segment of just Dionysus (also known as Bacchus) getting stupid drunk and chasing centaur women. Then there’s this massive thunderstorm, and everyone runs for cover. And afterwards, the plump little god drinks a rainbow puddle. Because he is just that smashed. It’s pretty hilarious to watch, actually. (And this is the same Fantasia from which we get Night on Bald Mountain, so you know it’s gonna go well with the music.)


I know I’m not the only to spot this one. I mean, the entirety of the song “Gaston” takes place in the tavern. Which is a place to hang out and drink. But in this instance, you know exactly what they’re drinking! Usually, it’s a vague bottle without a label, or it’s wine because that’s the only thing around in medieval fairy tale kingdoms. But in Beauty and the Beast, LeFou asks Gaston if he would like “more beer?” That’s the exact line. (I’m a bit of a super-nerd about BatB.) So not only do we see a bunch of guys drinking, they’re drinking specifically beer.

Now, this is fascinating to me, because it’s something that was so taboo during the Disney Renaissance, and this is the time period I was growing up in. I was born the year that The Little Mermaid came out. So to see such obvious alcohol abuse in this movie was strange. (It’s actually what spawned this whole list, along with Pinocchio.) So why did Disney make this one so blatant? Because it’s the BAD GUYS. Belle’s father doesn’t drink. Belle doesn’t drink. The Beast doesn’t drink. Only Gaston and his buddies, who are totally cool with blackmail and wrongful imprisonment of the weirdos in town. Seriously, only the bad guys drink in this town! Well, the bad guys, and Ichabod Crane’s long-lost son. Let’s drink to evil plans!


I don’t know why this movie is so under-appreciated. It is one of my favorite Disney movies. And for a Sherlock Holmes story, it holds up really dang well. Now, I didn’t remember the scene in the underground burlesque bar, but there is a scene where Basil and Dawson have to sneak into this underground burlesque place to gather information. It’s fantastic, because Dawson is dressed like Smee. And their drinks get drugged by some of the villains in the place, and Dawson gets smashed and starts dancing with the cabaret girls. It’s beautiful.

And let’s not forget about “The World’s Greatest Criminal Mind.” One mouse gets so drunk that he calls Ratigan a rat and gets himself eaten. (See my list about horrifying Disney Deaths.)


What? A movie about puppy-napping? Say it isn’t so! No, I’m not about to tell you that Cruella DeVille is an alcoholic. She’s not. She’s just a chainsmoker. But Horace and Jasper, on the other hand…

Jasper, especially, drinks a lot. He also gives his buddy a cigar-ash sandwich. Okay, so it’s really only Jasper getting pie-faced while Horace is trying to fill his belly, but still. Jasper gets drunk enough that he picks up the cat instead of his bottle. So while their boss is smoking the nastiest cigarettes of all time and bribing people in the illegal fur trade, Jasper’s drowning in vice and villainy while Horace just wants a snack.


This movie may be why I was scared of the dark as a kid, because I didn’t watch horror movies. But I watched Sleepy Hollow. And my husband’s family gets together every year for Halloween and watches it. It’s pretty fun. I never liked the narrator style, but the animation is so much fun. And there’s this scene that I always remember, where Brom Bones sees Ichabod through the bottom of his tankard as he’s drinking. And you would not believe how hard it is to find a screenshot of that! It’s impossible. But I did find him giving a barrel of the good stuff to his horse and some street dogs. Brom is a man’s man. Not only does he share his keg with the guys, he even punches the barrel open!


This is France. They are French. They drink wine with their bread and cheese. This is basically it. And I don’t recall seeing Quasimodo drink it, because he’s too concerned about their conversation. But we do see Frollo take a sip. And Hugo stuffs his face with yet another bottle of wine.

While looking for an image for this, I discovered that there’s a meme where people give Frollo different drinks. It’s not as prolific as the gay-for-Gaston meme, but it’s a thing. And let me tell you, it’s quite amusing to see Judge Frollo holding a tequila.


I can hear the screams of Rapunzel fans everywhere. “This is an excellent kids movie!” they cry. Yes, it is. But they have a song in a tavern. And what do people do in taverns? They drink! And sing, apparently, because this is not the first Disney movie to have a musical number in the tavern. And the little old gnome dude dressed as cupid? Oh yeah. He’s wasted.


I was surprised by this one. And it’s not even the villainess who’s drinking. It’s the mice. We have our heroes drinking champagne at the start of the movie. And later, we have a stereotypical bayou drunk. It’s been years since I’ve seen this movie, and I remember loving it as a kid. What’s funny is that the first scene is exposition, and the second is a throwaway gag. It really shows how times have changed when you compare the use of alcohol in this movie with how it’s used in Beauty and the Beast or Aladdin. In The Rescuers, it’s a part of everyday life. It’s a very casual thing that everyone does. Because that’s how things were at the time the movie takes place. But in later movies, it becomes taboo. Only bad people drink in the later movies.


I bet you didn’t think of this one, either. Neither did I. And then I found this.

This is a random throwaway scene, drawn and animated to match one of Robin Williams’ riffs. Fun fact: the Genie was massively rewritten to match Robin Williams’ improvisation. And so, sticking with the stereotype of the sad Frenchman, Abu and Carpet have a bottle of red wine in front of them. Nobody actually drinks it, though I think that Abu tries. But it’s funny. And it’s still alcohol in a Disney movie.


“There’s no alcohol use in the Mickey Mouse cartoons!” Oh yeah? How much you wanna bet?

This is an episode about Pluto getting frozen. And way back when, they would send St. Bernard dogs into the snow to find people and resuscitate them with brandy. Brandy was once thought to warm a person up, and was used as medicine. But, as shown in this cartoon, is still alcohol, and too much will get you drunk. Ah, but that’s not the only time! This is just one that I saw on tv as a kid. There are more.

Oh, but Donald Duck can get away with that sort of thing! He’s always been one to get into trouble. Remember that time he was a Nazi? (That’s false. He had a nightmare that he was born in Nazi Germany instead of the USA. He wasn’t actually a Nazi.) But there’s still more.

No, that’s not root beer. That’s beer beer. And that’s the real Mickey Mouse, not a fake that someone doodled up. The original Mickey Mouse cartoons did stuff like that.


And then if you count poisonings, you can get Hercules, Snow White, Aristocats (again), The Emperor’s New Groove, and (stretching the definition) Alice in Wonderland. That’s right, Alice in Wonderland contains ZERO alcohol. Alice is NOT taking drugs. But that’s a post for another time.

Why I Won’t Buy Your Product

I wish that I didn’t have to explain why this annoys me so much, but I have recently discovered that a few of my Facebook “friends” only care about selling to me, so this has been at the forefront of my mind for a while now. But I’ll start at the beginning.

I don’t hate makeup. I never wear it, but I don’t hate it. I’m a girl, I like looking pretty. When I was a kid, I loved getting to wear makeup. In high school, concealer was an absolute necessity. My grandma bought Avon from her neighbors, and my mom used to buy Mary Kay from her neighbors, back when she could still see. I got Mary Kay as payment from babysitting for the wonderful woman next door. But wearing makeup has always been too much effort for me to ever actually USE all of what I have before it goes bad. (That’s right, ladies, makeup CAN go bad.) Even so, I’ve found myself owning a TON of makeup. Why? Because I’m a girl, so people give it to me all the time. So why buy it? Especially when I can’t afford to buy name-brand anything?
When I was a kid, this made sense to everyone. I grew up in a little township called Magna, where almost everyone was lower-middle class to mid-middle class. Most of the neighbors were making ends meet, and nothing more. My family was among that group. We were only just scraping by. Now that I’m married, my husband and I are both working, and we can’t even afford to rent an apartment. We have a bedroom in a parent’s basement.
But lately, the women of Face-space seem to feel it necessary to sell me makeup, facials, health foods, WEIGHT-LOSS PRODUCTS, super-expensive clothing that won’t even cover my underwear, SEX TOYS, candles, “essential” oils, the list goes on. This has been happening to me for A DECADE. People I haven’t spoken to for YEARS will add me on social media and then do nothing but talk up “their” product. (And those two all-caps ones have fantastic stories, which I will get to later.)

This is called multi-level marketing. The skeptics and cynics among us call them pyramid schemes. Why? Because most of them are lies and garbage. According to the Federal Trade Commission multi-level marketing is when individuals sell products to the public — often by word of mouth and direct sales. Typically, distributors earn commissions, not only for their own sales, but also for sales made by the people they recruit.
Also according to the FTC, some of these are complete scams. My brother recently shared a news article about Herbalife, who were sued for lying about how much money their customers/sales-reps could realistically make, as well as other harmful business practices. It’s the primest of prime examples on a pyramid scheme. Especially when you compare it to Mary Kay, who’s been around for decades and built up a good product for a realistic price and pays their reps primarily for their own sales. (More to say on MK later.)

Now, I don’t have any issues with you choosing to sell someone else’s product to your friends as a way to try and supplement your income. (Notice how I said “supplement.”) If you invite me to your tupperware party, and don’t push me about going if I’m not interested, you still have my respect. But if, on the other hand, you keep pestering me about it, or trying to sell me a different product when I tell you that I can’t afford that stuff, you are part of the reason for my week-long rant about MLM.
Story time! Remember those all-caps items from that list earlier? When I had been out of high school for a couple of years, a friend I had lost touch with in Jr. High found me on Facebook.  Awesome! I thought. I always looked up to her, and we got along so well before we lost touch! I was excited. She started inviting me to stuff I couldn’t go to, and that was okay. Then she started inviting me to EVERYTHING SHE EVER GOT INVITED TO. Including the birthday parties of people I had never met, and events which she herself would not be attending. The best (or worst) incident was when she invited me to an mlm “party” for some sex toy line. I asked her what the line sold, as the FB event only listed the vague name of the product line and the date and address of the “party.” When she kindly explained, I replied that I was preparing to serve an LDS mission. She had always known that I am LDS, and that I was always very active in my faith. (For anyone who doesn’t know, active Mormons don’t have sex outside of marriage, so sex toys aren’t exactly what single LDS girls are looking for.) She said “oh, that’s okay, you can come  anyway! It’ll be great to know for when you get married!” Now, that’s not a horrible thing to think. Unless you know that the person you’re saying it to is very vocally adamant about NOT WANTING TO KNOW. How am I supposed to know if I care about a product intended to liven up your sex life if I’ve never had sex and don’t plan to for several more years? I have now been married for almost three years, and I still do not care to know how to use sex toys, or what is available for personal pleasure. I don’t need that stuff. It’s never been my thing, and it never will be, because I like things simple and straightforward. I explained to her that I had no interest in sex toys, or anything about sex at all, until I was actually getting married. She didn’t like my answer. A few stranger’s birthday party invites later, and I very kindly asked her to stop inviting me to everything that she does (or doesn’t do, in some cases). She got very offended that I was spurning her invitations to things that she thought I would enjoy. After getting very upset with me, I snapped and retorted that going to a birthday party for someone I’ve never met is NOT my idea of fun. (I didn’t even point out that some of those had been parties she was unable to attend. Think about it for a minute. Getting invited to a stranger’s birthday when the one person you know won’t be there.) She un-friended me right there, and I did not try to get her back. After my mission and marrying my wonderful husband, she sent me a friend request. I decided to give her a second chance. She hasn’t invited me to any product or party since, because she now respects the fact that I am not interested in what she is offering. I am simply interested in her friendship.

Sadly, others have taken her place. From the overly-pushy Mary Kay mom who used to live down the street to the high school classmate insisting that I try That Crazy Wrap Thing, my web-based friend-space has been so overly saturated with “party” invites that I feel like I’m in high school swim class again, trying desperately to tread water and only just barely managing to not drown.
When I capitalized weight-loss products in my earlier list of sales categories, it was so that I could explain why it is the most ridiculously stupid thing anyone has ever tried to sell to me. Not because it doesn’t work. Oh no. I’m sure that at least some of this stuff is completely legitimate, even if it is a “get skinny” trick. What makes this so hilarious is that I am five foot three and a half, and PETITE. As in, I weigh a buck twenty after GAINING WEIGHT FOR FIVE YEARS. And that weight comes from slightly larger chest and hips, increased exercise from my job, and drinking WAY too much soda. I have trouble finding pants my size that aren’t skinny jeans, because that’s what all the under-developed high school girls are wearing, and most companies don’t make “adult” pants in my size. I can still wear my t-shirts from elementary school. In high school, my larger friends were jealous of my fast metabolism and tiny waist, but I was completely convinced that I was as much as fifteen pounds under-weight. The people trying to sell me these weight loss products knew me in high school, when I barely ate and didn’t weigh enough. According to my profile pictures, I’ve only gotten more healthy. And I finally feel like I’m at a good place. I’m still really slender. And these women KNEW THAT. And still invited me to their It Works “parties.” And when I clicked “can’t go”? They messaged me and said “that’s okay, you can come another time!” or “It’s an online all-day event! You can attend via computer!” or even “I can sell you this product directly, so please tell me when you want it!” I then had to awkwardly explain that the reason I’m not going is because I don’t need to lose weight. Ever. I even went so far as to tell one girl that if I lost weight, I would no longer be healthy. The fact that I had to explain to anyone that a tiny girl with low body fat DOESN’T need to lose weight still astounds me. If you need or want to lose weight, and it actually does work, good for you! But DO NOT try to sell me a product that you KNOW I don’t need!

And then there is the person whose posts began all of my recent fuming and complaining on this topic. A woman I was sort-of friends with in Jr. High decided that she needed to become a working woman. No problem, you think. She wants to work, and support her family and stuff. That’s great! But she doesn’t apply for a real job. Oh no. She wants to “work at home” like everyone else does! So she puts up a post about getting into MLM. She wants to know what ALL of her friends are selling, so she can pick one and make money! (You can’t see my “sarcastic Matthew Santoro” face, but I’m totally making it right now.) She keeps posting basically this same thing for OVER A WEEK, and flooding my feed with so little besides “what are you selling?” to the point that I begin replying with photos of the most niche board games my store carries. And others start posting “what are you selling?” so that I get absolutely nothing else! So I post troll-y photos on all of them. One guy, who I sadly do not know, posted a picture of his fist between two slices of bread and declared that he was selling knuckle sandwiches. Thank heavens for that guy, because I really needed the laugh by that point.
So, after much deliberation, this woman decided that she is going to become a LuLaRoe representative! Good for you, lady, you made a decision! But it gets better. To get started, she needs FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS TO BUY THE PRODUCT TO SELL! So she needs ANOTHER JOB IN ORDER TO AFFORD THIS JOB! That, my friends, is a scam. I’m sorry, you have to buy five wardrobes in order to start your “business?” No, I will NOT help you. You’ll make pennies on the dollar, and you’ll probably lose friends over how much pestering you have to do.
Keep in mind, this is perfectly legal and legitimate multi-level marketing. This is how MOST customer/sales businesses operate. I have no problem with you wanting to sell Mary Kay on the side, for example. But if you are hard pitching over-priced product at every single person you know because you have to spend every dollar you make in order to have product to sell, then you are clearly doing it wrong.
I have one friend who, when I made an angry post informing everyone that I could not afford to buy stuff from them because I would not use it anyway, told me that she fully understands and only invites because she wants me to know that she cares. And she shows me that she cares by not pestering me if I can’t go or am not interested. If I want to buy lipstick in the future, I’ll probably go to her first. When I eventually have a house and want tupperware, I’ll probably go to her. (Especially since left-overs containers are really hard to come by in the right sizes.) I know that I can trust and respect her enough to know that she will sell me a good product for a reasonable price, and she won’t try to sell me things that I don’t want.
Right under her thoughtful comment was a different friend who immediately tried to sell me a product that I hadn’t listed in my angry post about not buying things I’m never going to use. I sighed in deep frustration and showed the comment to my husband, who also sighed in frustration. And then I politely told her that I own incense and a Scentsy burner, so I don’t need a Glade rip-off. (I bought the burner when I was young and could afford to do such things. I love the burner, but I’m rarely home, so I rarely get to use it.)

So, in conclusion, I hate multi-level marketing. I love people, for the most part, and hate to think of removing people who used to be so close to me. It really sucks. If you sell Mary Kay, I probably don’t buy it simply because I know that I won’t use it. It’s not because of you or your product. It’s because I almost never wear makeup. If you sell sex toys, I’m just not interested in the product because I won’t use it. If you sell oils, I wholly support you, and will even swear by some of those oils. I know that they work, because I’ve used some of them. But I can’t afford to buy brand-name. And please, for the love of sanity, DO NOT DO THIS AS YOUR ONLY SOURCE OF INCOME. THIS IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS! If you pay other people to organize the stuff you sell, you have a business. If you straight up sell me the picture you drew, or the book you wrote, or the earrings you made, then you have a business. If you sell someone else’s product and cannot possibly make ends meet by selling only that product, then you do NOT have your own business. You have been lied to. You are NOT your own boss. You are a salesperson who has to buy EVERYTHING you might sell to someone else for a marginally higher price than what you paid. You do NOT make money this way. If you do this as a hobby, or as that $5-$50 extra per month so that you can make rent, or so that you can get the product cheaper than you normally could, then good for you. Go for it. I may not buy from you, but I support you. If I tell you I’m interested in that free facial but I have no free time in the next few months, I’m not lying. I probably have a ton of things I’m currently doing, or several big events are coming up at work, or I feel like I never get any time to just sit at home and relax. If I’m not interested in your product, I’ll either ignore the invite or tell you “thanks, but this isn’t for me.”
Many thanks to those of you who do this the respectful and patient way, rather than the pushy and selfish way. Thank you for allowing me to say “no thank you” without awkward explanations or arguments. And especially thank you to those of you who value our friendship more than a sale, even if we rarely get to see each other.


If you’re looking into a multi-level marketing thing, the FTC actually has some fantastic guidelines for how to know whether your product of choice is a legitimate business or a pyramid scheme. Please check it out before you sign anything! The FTC literally exists to make sure that scumbags don’t ruin your life with bad business!

Suckerpunch in Wonderland


So, my husband introduced me to this interesting theory that I had never heard. Suckerpunch is basically Alice in Wonderland. At first, I thought it was weird. Then he explained it, and it made so much sense. Let’s start with the premise of the movie itself.
Girl is grief-stricken when her mother dies. Step-father, discovering that he gets nothing in the will, decides to attack the girl. It is not clear whether he intends to kill her or rape her, or both. That is left up to interpretation. But the girl fights back, so he goes for her more vulnerable little sister. Girl tries to protect sister, goes to shoot him, misses, and sister dies instead. Step-father has her put in an insane asylum for girls, even though there is no proof that she is insane. The orderly who takes her in is corrupt, and she has one week before she gets lobotomized. She turns to a delusion of being trapped in a brothel, where she comes up with a plan to escape. She and four other girls gather the things they need to escape, slipping into additional delusions throughout the story. In the end, only one girl escapes, and it’s not the girl you’ve been following. She gets lobotomized, and the corrupt orderly gets caught.

The girl we follow has a name, which we see in a brief clip while Step-father is filling out the paperwork to have her committed, but it’s only a partial name and it’s barely legible. So we only get to know her as Baby Doll. She is not Alice, like you would think. She’s not even the lead in Suckerpunch. She is the White Rabbit. There is, of course, the superficial reason: she’s got platinum blond pigtails. But the other reasons really prove her role. She leads the others through “Wonderland” and is constantly running around. Also, she is the only character with any sort of time limit. Near the end of the movie, Baby Doll even says “This was never my story. It was yours.”
We’ll get back to that in a bit. My personal favorite Alice character, The Mad Hatter, has a similar superficial trope to the White Rabbit. This heroine wears hats in all of the second-level fantasies. (The extra delusions within the brothel fantasy.) Rocket, Baby Doll’s first friend, is sometimes shown as having slightly ginger hair, as well. She has a spunky, almost crazy, attitude and seems to have little respect for those in authority over her. This is pretty easy to see when she tries to steal from the kitchen and then cries rape when the cook catches her. (There is no evidence that he actually intends to.) Then there’s her closeness to Alice, balanced with her disregarding Alice’s guidance in favor of following Baby Doll’s crazy escape plan. She also has very impulsive tendancies.
Rocket is also close with Amber and Blondie in a very “BFF” kind of way. These two girls are the March Hare and the Doormouse. Amber, being the more loyal, is the Hare. For superficial evidence, look no further than the pink bunny painted on her mech suit in the World War II delusion when they’re stealing the map. She follows the other girls, and provides solid backup throughout the movie. But like a skittish hare, she needs encouragement from Rocket, Baby Doll, and Blondie.
That leaves Blondie as the Doormouse. Blondie serves a similar backup/background position to Amber, and is very sensitive in spite of her cheerful attitude. Blondie is, however, the one who snitches in the brothel delusion. Like the Doormouse, Blondie is barely present in the other delusions.
The last of the girls is Rocket’s sister Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea is the only one of the girls who doesn’t just go along with Baby Doll’s crazy escape plan. She is logical, and in favor of preservation of life. As she accepts the plan, she blends in better, but is still separate. She wavers, where the others do not. This is who Baby Doll is speaking to when she says “this is your story.” This is our Alice. And like Alice, Sweet Pea is the only character to leave. The others can’t, even if they want to.
Early on, Rocket tells Baby Doll that she ran away from home, and that her sister followed her. In this way, Rocket also plays the part of Dinah, Alice’s cat, who leads her to where she will find the White Rabbit.
Suckerpunch even has a Cheshire Cat, in the form of a nameless old wise man. The Wise Man first appears in the ninja/samurai delusion. He guides Baby Doll and the others through all of the secondary delusions, making no appearance at all in the brothel. He only appears in the real world at the very end, when he helps Alice/Sweet Pea get home. Even in that final scene, we’re not sure if he is entirely real. He seems to exist almost exclusively for Alice.

This leaves us with our villains. The worst of which is the orderly, called “Blue” in the brothel fantasy, he is the clear Queen of Hearts. He is covetous, selfish, and prone to angry outbursts. After Rocket is injured in the attempt to get the kitchen knife, he shoots Amber for her part in the plan. Then, because he hates snitches, he shoots Blondie, too. Very “off with her head” in his approach to the situation. The other orderlies even follow his lead, in spite of their disapproving of his methods, which we see at the very end.
The Step-father is kind of a hard fit for the Alice in Wonderland analogy. He has moments where he is the Queen or Dinah, but he really seems to fall into the role of Knave of Hearts. He helps Blue, knowing that it’s wrong and not caring.
The Cook is far easier to place. He is the Walrus and the Carpenter, almost completely detached from Alice and the others, yet he is opportunistic.
The Duchess and the Baby are fun. They appear only in the second-level delusion of the Medieval castle with the dragons. The mother dragon, the Duchess, flips out pretty bad over her baby.
Last but not least is Dr. Gorski. She plays the parts of both antagonist and aid to the girls. She smokes throughout the movie, reminding us of the Caterpillar. She cares about the girls, even though she doesn’t always show it. She gives helpful advice, while still maintaining her professional front. She also has a moment in the brothel delusion where she takes on the role of the King of Hearts, trying to dissuade the Queen, Blue, from a violent tirade without having any success.

All throughout the movie, the music is ethereal and surreal, very reminiscent of the trippy Alice in Wonderland. One of the songs is even about Carroll’s tale. It adds to the girls’ need to escape from reality. After watching the movie again, it was interesting to see the similarities.

So that’s the theory. :) I hope you enjoyed it!

Blarg! Life! Politics…?

Life sucks when it gets super busy. Husband is back to work after foot surgery, but can’t stay the full shift because pain. Yeah, being on your feet for six hours straight? Not so good. So he’s looking for a different job. Meanwhile, I’ve been the one working. So I don’t turn down extra shifts.
With the surgery thing, hubby was off his feet completely for three weeks. Which meant that when I wasn’t at work, I was taking care of him. Then he was able to start walking again. He was supposed to go back to work, then one of the surgery sites got infected, so back to bed with him. Could still get around, thankfully, but couldn’t get back to work for another few weeks. Finally, we got the okay from the doctor. But he could only be on his feet for fifteen minutes every hour. Not happening when your job is to load boxes into trailers. So another two weeks. It’s now been two months that I’ve been the only income, and it’s a miracle we’ve been able to pay any bills, because I make half of what he does. (I like my part-time job, though. Awesome hours, awesome place, awesome people. Hubby makes more because his job sucks, and they’re desperate for people.)
The last two months, I’ve felt like I’ve had zero free time. For over a month, we had to camp out on an air mattress because the beds are all too tall for someone who can’t put any weight on their feet. It was murder on my back and neck. We didn’t go anywhere unless we had to, because it took way too long to get the wheelchair he was prescribed. For two months, I worked and did chores, and almost nothing else. And now that things are getting back to normal, I don’t want to do anything. I feel tired almost all the time. When I don’t feel tired, I have too much energy but can’t figure out what to do with it.
Been working on editing Just Your Average Fairytale the last few days. But final edits are mostly reading, so not using a lot of energy. My computer randomly started freezing whenever I try to load WoW, so I got back onto Mabinogi. Holy crap, that game is amazing. I can spend the whole day on it and not get bored! But then I go to bed and can’t fall asleep. Like now. I got four chapters done, played several hours of Mabi, and our voter ballots came in the mail. (Way easier to vote by mail when husband works the night shift and I don’t know where anything is in this town.)

Political section:
So I’ve been looking up the platforms for all of the non-Presidential candidates. You know, all those judges and state-level positions that you never hear about. So, I start by typing in the names of the three people running for the House of Representatives, because I haven’t heard of any of them. First guy? I think he’s already held the position for a while, because I searched his dang website and couldn’t find his platform. Just a bunch of crap about how Obama’s screwed up the country. Except that I know how the Executive branch of the government works. And half of what this guy blames on Obama is stuff that the whole rest of Congress was responsible for. Obama just suggested it. (Doesn’t make the ideas good, just means that Pres shouldn’t get all the blame.) The other male candidate doesn’t even have a website. Just a facebook page, which is mostly about how to support the party he represents, nothing about what they stand for. The one lady running is, of course, a democrat, so I don’t agree with all of her views. (I have a few very republican views, but I tend to lean towards the middle on most things.) But she is the ONLY person running for the House who tells the public what her goals are if she gets elected to the position! Seriously, I’m tempted to vote for her just because she knows how to be organized. >…>
ANYWAY! Besides the usual pre-NaNo excitement, I’m badgering my husband into doing it with me this year. :) He’s been running an Anima campaign for our old gaming group, and he’s written this INCREDIBLE samurai story for us to play through! I tell him I’m mad at him about it every time we play, but that’s just because my character has to deal with a lot of crap. Traditional samurai stories are not happy, and that’s what he’s telling. But with a creepy nightmare twist, because my husband has been into horror for probably his whole life.
The story is so well-thought-out and well-told that it hits my feels hard enough that I can’t spit out a ready-made response from my character. I thought I had her all figured out, and then he throws me a curveball, and everyone is like “are we gonna kill these concubines that are throwing magic at us?” and my character is like “… but that one raised me…and that other is being mind-controlled…” A couple members of my group actually got mad at me for a couple of things that my character did. (Well, one thing she did, and one thing that she didn’t.)
The didn’t? She didn’t try to save the enemy that was always a jerk to her growing up. I joked about letting her die, because she was the only one actively trying to kill the party. My character was busy trying to save the woman she loved like a mother. The healer was trying to save the girl that was mind-controlled. The jerk-lady was just sort of bleeding out. And these two guys get mad at me about it. Not that I made the joke, but that my character didn’t try to save the jerk-lady. Husband pointed out that my character was too busy trying to save someone else, and we both reminded them that my character never actually said anything about letting anyone die. (She actually asked the party not to kill anyone, because they were part of her family.) Then, there’s the ‘did’…
My character insisted on saving some enemies, then went to kill another one the moment she saw her. Backstory worked out with husband means that this makes perfect sense. This enemy was disliked from the beginning of the story. Her presence here, guarding the doors to the boss-fight and grinning like it’s Christmas, means that she is involved in all this crap. Party-members rag on me about how mean and morally wrong it was to attack, and their characters don’t like her flipping on someone like that “because you don’t like her.”
… Honestly? I cried. I actually cried. I get so wrapped up in this story, and I struggle so hard trying to make decisions that fit my character. I spent at least half an hour explaining to these two guys why my character made that one choice that they thought was immoral. (It may have been a lot longer, but I’ve gotten really bad at reading the passage of time accurately.) My husband, who’s running the campaign, tried to help. He basically told one of them that his character was doing something far worse than letting emotions get in the way. (We have all sorts of shady stuff going on in our side stories. Working for trickster gods, acquiring and selling black market goods, being Japanese mafia, being related to a crazy necromancer, working for the government…) On the way home from that session, my depression has already kicked in and I’m wondering if I really am just a screw-up, because this is not the first time this sort of thing has happened. Maybe I got too comfortable goofing off? Maybe I’m getting too confident? My husband, who always tells me when I’m being a pain, tells me that I didn’t do anything wrong. That they were being jerks, and that I don’t have to apologize, because I didn’t screw anything up. He then tells me that they’ve done this to me before, and I hadn’t even brought up that last game before my mission. (Which is the last game where these two got after me about my character’s decisions. They told me that my character was a bully, because she made fun of another character all the time. Said character was a pervert, and was based on a joke. The player of said character thought that the whole situation was hilarious. It livened up an otherwise dreadfully boring slog through the woods. (Which was that ENTIRE game, by the way.) The incident that caused the accusations of being a bully? The elf that got picked on was drunk, and making a scene of being a pervert. Not wanting to deal with him, my dwarf dragged him outside and tied him to a tree so that he couldn’t bother anyone. He got louder. I didn’t know what to do, because I wasn’t comfortable role-playing yet. So she untied him, and covered his mouth instead. My friends chewed me out about my character being a bully. And continued to bring it up in-game at every opportunity, even after my character had made amends with the character she was supposedly bullying.)
Husband reminded me that these individuals had been jerks to me about my character’s choices in two different games now, even if their characters were worse. That they probably didn’t even realize that they were being jerks by complaining about and attacking my character the way they were, but that it didn’t make it okay. After we got home, I thought that I should probably not play any more games with these people. The rest of the group is no problem, just these two, and only when we play a game that gets anywhere near the end. (Which has been exactly twice, so far.) But one of these two would always be included with some of the other players. And we were talking about doing Shadowrun after the Anima campaign is over… Which made me really sad when I remembered that, because I’ve been wanting to try Shadowrun for YEARS, but no one will ever play it with me… The one time I tried to join a group, they said that it was super mature, so I didn’t join. I asked my friend why she was playing if it was super mature, since she held the same values as I did, and she said that the game wasn’t mature, the GM just didn’t want more players than were already there. (I felt pretty low that day. Not because I was excluded, but because of how I was excluded.) The next time anyone I knew ran Shadowrun, I was on my mission. So I couldn’t play then, either. I really want to try the system, because it sounds awesome, but is it worth risking the crap I may get if the other players don’t like a decision I make? Is it worth it to have people get mad at me, even if it’s a stupid thing to be mad about?

Why I Write What I Write

Most little girls go through a phase where they want to be princesses. I did, and I wasn’t very girly. I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t a bookworm, and my first literary love was Dealing With Dragons by Patricia Wrede. It’s about Princess Cimorene, who is bored to death of being a princess. She’s not allowed to do the things she loves because “it’s not proper.” So she runs away to become a dragon’s princess, fights evil wizards, and sets traps for her would-be rescuers. It’s fantastic! And the basics of the story still resonate within me. That book changed me in a way I never noticed until just recently. It shaped the way I write more than any other book.

Now, I write stories about unorthodox princesses, and girls who love to climb trees. Girls who want to be free to be themselves. My favorite songs and stories all have elements of this. My favorite Disney Princess was always Jasmine, the one who just wanted to fall in love and have friends like a normal girl.

And that lead me to the type of guy I love to write. Aladdin is an ordinary young man who doesn’t question who he is. He certainly isn’t happy being a poor orphan, but he’s also not about to let it change who he is as a person. And it’s that “nice guy” personality that I love. As a teenager, I quickly recognized that the male characters I loved most were not the Prince Charmings, but the Aladdins. As I developed a love of romance, I often wished that the heroine would pick the nice guy next door instead of the serious pretty-boy that she always chose. I wanted real boys, not the too-perfect stereotypes that were out of reach for a shy girl like me. And when I discovered stories about the goofy boy-next-door or the best friend, I was ecstatic. At last, there were love interests I could root for!

And all of this tied together when I had an idea. It began with a song from The Swan Princess, which I also saw as a child. It’s funny how what we see when we’re small shapes who we are when we’re grown. The song is “This Is My Idea (of Love),” which shows Derek and Odette growing up together, and the shenanigans that ensue as they try to get out of spending time together. One day, as I saw those two awkward yet realistic children singing about how they didn’t like each other, I had an idea.

So I began writing snippets about a prince and princess who were betrothed as children, but don’t want to marry each other. It was always from her point of view, the little princess who loved playing with her brothers and being outside. And the following NaNoWriMo, I wrote up a complete first draft. She was the kind of tomboyish Princess I had wanted to be, and he was the realistic “nice guy” that I loved best. And I felt like this story, in spite of the crazy adventures, was more “me” than anything else I had ever written.

And I think that’s what writing is really about. I haven’t finished the story. I don’t even have a working title for it. But it’s made of my soul. And the strangest part? It reminds me of how I fell in love work my husband. He asked me out, and I turned him down. I liked him okay, but not like that. It wasn’t until several years and many relationships later that I realized I had fallen in love with him, now my best friend in the world. He was just always there, and it wasn’t a possibility, and then one day it clicked. Like a light turning on. I didn’t recognize it as love until another guy kissed me. And I still want to write that story. But so far, the closest I’ve got is this arranged marriage story. Ironic, since I wrote it some time before dating my husband.